Frequently Asked Questions
We concentrate on individual kids who:
- are showing great promise in their schools so far
- are highly recommended by their schools
- we know from visits to their homes that they are from disadvantaged families
- Each boy or girl is mentored regularly by an AMOK Trustee
You will receive at least two newsletters every year which will include general news and developments about the kids and the work we are doing.
Each family and school will be visited by a Trustee at least once a year. Reports are written on the visits and will be available on request. We will also welcome questions, inquiries, and comments on a particular kid, and will be very happy to respond to them. This really must be a two-way communication.
Of course! Just let us know when you wish to visit. There are certain times of the year which are better, in terms of climate and school holidays, but essentially visits can be arranged at most times.
Article 3 of our Governing Document reads as follows:
"3. Application of the income
The Trustees must apply the income of the Charity in furthering the following objects ("the objects")
The advancement of education through the sponsoring of the schooling and education, up to and including University level, of children from the poorer areas of the Indian sub-continent.
This would involve the paying of school fees."
It goes to pay school fees directly to the schools involved - less the cost of uniform and shoes, which have to be met by the families concerned. No cash is ever given directly to families.
All school fees are paid directly to schools via a cheque or money
Artice 26 of our Governing Document reads as follows:
"26. Expenses
The Trustees, without exception, will meet any necessary and reasonable expenses which they incur in the course of carrying out their responsibilities as Trustees of the Charity out of their own pockets"
Only where appropriate. We will be as happy that a kid stays at school until the end of Grade 10 / Standard 10 / Level 10, and gets a job s/he might not otherwise have been able to secure.